
Tarjeta Joven

gober risaralda
gober risaralda 2

Project Details

Tarjeta Joven is an initiative of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and FONTUR, whose objective is to encourage young Colombians and residents in Colombia to travel around the country, offering multiple discounts and benefits in various commercial establishments allied to the program.


Promote and effectively position the Tarjeta Joven program, as well as its online platform www.tarjetajoven.com and its mobile application. In addition to highlighting the functionalities and benefits of the application. Promote the travel culture among Tarjeta Joven's target audience. This includes the implementation of digital marketing strategies aimed at increasing the program's visibility and recognition.


A solid monthly content strategy was implemented, which covered the management of the program's social networks, the design, creation and adjustment of graphic pieces, as well as the development of an integrated communication strategy in various channels. This initiative allowed the program and its benefits to be widely disseminated among the public. Likewise, a mailing strategy was carried out to highlight key promotions of the program and publicize the different communication channels available.

During the contract period (2 years), the program experienced notable growth in several key aspects. Subscriptions to the program increased by 30%, indicating increased interest and participation by the target audience. Additionally, an impressive 50% increase in the show's social media following was seen, demonstrating increased online audience visibility and engagement. Regarding the use of promotional coupons from program partners, an impressive 40% increase was recorded, reflecting greater acceptance and use of the offers and benefits offered by the program.

Program Subscriptions
+ 0 %
Social media followers
+ 0 %
Increase in the use of promotional coupons
+ 0 %

Proyect Scope